Wednesday, September 14, 2016

We Have Things to SAY! #perfectionisoverrated

Perfection is Overrated…
Be who you were created to be, for there is no perfect person.  Each of us has our own unique beauty and it comes from within. Peace happens when you don’t have to be perfect and you are free to be you! 

~Dianna Greene, Production Manager Sweet Spot® Skirts

Naturally Imperfect. 
That is what makes us human.  Limiting yourself, not allowing yourself to do something fun or fulfilling because you can’t do it perfectly is taking away the opportunity to be human.  

Life is Meant to be Lived.
You won’t evolve or grow without allowing yourself room to be imperfect.  How can one learn to do something new without trying?  Our first time to try anything will most likely not be perfect. This process leads to enormous personal growth.  

Get your Bucket List Out. 
Each item is carefully listed on paper and evaluated for days or even years.  Most of the time the items on your bucket list are going to be done one time and one time only.  Will you not try, since you won’t be able to do it perfectly the first time?  

Progress Not Perfection
As long as you know you are making progress toward being the best You that you can be, you are living the life you were meant to be. 

~ Mary Meier, Director of Operations


Perfection is so overrated.  
Perfect or Perfection has become a word used incorrectly to describe people, places, scenarios and things.  We have no standards by which to accurately measure perfection, except our own experiences, preferences and lifestyle.  In our life, it is the imperfections which make us unique, fun, different, creative and adventurous. We learn from these imperfect lessons about ourselves and the world we live in. 
~Laurie, Event Manager and Run Pretty Far CEO

Our Staff:
“There is no perfect accomplishment, You are always getting better,” ~Ellie

“Focusing on perfection takes your focus away from the things that really matter,” ~Tina

“You can’t be perfect, you always make a mistake,” ~Florica (said in our best Romanian accent!!!!)

We want to hear from you!  Tell us your pefect imperfection story. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Clarity From Webster?

Perfection is "the condition, state, or quality of being free or 
as free as possible from all flaws or defects."

What an oxymoron.  Perfection and being free?  Striving to be the perfect mother, the perfect wife, the perfect partner, the perfect friend is anything but freeing.  I am all for becoming the best YOU you can be, without feeling like perfection is the final destination.  

To FREE yourself is to actively "release from captivity, confinement, or slavery.” Seriously, how captive or confined does the journey to perfection keep you? One more pound, one more raise, one more award.  How about this?  Let’s release from captivity our inner beauty, our funny sense of humor, and our complete love of life?  Let’s open the door of confinement and let the beautiful woman wander with nothing but joy and love for herself.

Thank you Webster for this reminder, to FREE ourselves is to ”release from physical obstruction, restraint, or entanglement.”  The plight of perfection can shackle you to a point that renders you immovable and frozen. As we live our very full lives, pushing to create that next best version of ourselves we can hit a point where fear and insecurities rule our world.  Slow down, breathe, and remember your platoon of warrior women that will help you find again your beautiful wonderful self.

Lastly, to FREE yourself is to ”remove something undesirable or restrictive from.” The month of September is about releasing the pressure of perfection.  It is about loving your flaws and defects and understanding that you are a beautiful and loved person.  Don’t underestimate the power of wander.  Go wander in the hills, the shopping mall, or the beach.  Your imperfect self is perfection enough.  

~Stephanie Lynn, Owner and Designer 
This is the management staff at Sweet Spot® Skirts.  We are far from perfect, which
is in perfect.