Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Release Your Inner Warrior


We have new bracelets available for all those trying to release their Inner Warrior!  However, in order to wear one you must take the Sweet Spot™ Skirt Warrior Creed:

I ____________________________ (insert your name), vow to “Release my Inner Warrior” and pursue my dreams….DIG deep daily into my inner strength and, DECIDE to let the powerful warrior waiting inside…escape and DETERMINE to live a life full of confidence and success!

Sweet Spot™ Skirts wishes you all the success to fulfill your wildest dreams.  Thank you for helping us live our dream!

“twenty-twelve” is going to be great!


  1. How do we get one of those fabulous bracelets?

    1. if you are near Vancouver stop by our new store or order a skirt on line until they are gone we will send you one!
      105 W. 6th Street Vancouver WA 98660

  2. I hereby sign the pledge
    Pauline Long
